A visit to Spain was inevitable for us at some point. The problem was deciding where to go first. Well, the decision was made for us when the Messoris decided to go to Madrid and asked us to go along. In the end, it was Robert, Sisze and Aden, Nezaam and Nawahl, and Nizaam and myself. We had a helluva good time, particularly since it was the first hot place we've been to since we left home. And hot it was, with temperatures in the 30's during the day and in the early twenties overnight.

If you got here purely by chance, feel free to start at the beginning. Beginning

Our first stop after offloading at the hotel was the cafe across the road. We had some brilliant calamari for lunch, after half an hour of sign language since we don't speak a word of spanish. Except for hello and goodbye and thank you, that is. The first few pictures were taken by shakin' stevens himself, which is why you probably can't figure out who's in them.

This is the Plaza Mayor. It's a big square enclosed by magnificient architecture on all sides, with cafes and shops all along the edges.

This is the view of the building opposite our hotel. No, I can't remember why we would have wanted a picture of it.

This is us on our way to, and at the Royal Palace, which is the largest in Europe, and is still in use on some occassions by King Juan Carlos and Queen Isabella.

Believe it or not, this is the POST OFFICE!

This is our hotel. Our room is at the bottom right hand side. And here's some more pictures taken from our balcony.

When in Spain, go and see some flamenco. So we did.

Sadly, that was the end of Madrid. Now we await the arrival of more Cape Town visitors in October.